Monday, 7 October 2013

Momofuku Chocolate Chip Cake

Last week I made a Momofuku Chocolate Chip Cake for me and my sister's birthday. This cake is delicious and the effort put into making the cake is all worth it in the end.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Cupcakes x2

Cupcakes are the best. So are hazelnuts, honey and Chinese food. I made Honey/Hazelnut Cupcakes for my dad on father's day, two weeks ago. We both love honey so obviously I had to make honey cupcake. And man, do these cupcakes have a lot of honey. The bottom picture are obviously Chinese food cupcakes, my sister and I made them to celebrate the end of our Chinese sacs, which have caused too many sleepless nights.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Cream & Lemon Curd Layered Sponge with Berries & Meringue

I haven't blogged in a month? maybe two? Because I've been "studying". I actually made this cake a week ago for my mum since it was her birthday, and haven't got around to blogging about it until now. Well, actually that's a lie, I had time on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday but I'm lazy.